domingo, 17 de julho de 2011

Easy Paschimottanasana

Gheranda Samhita:
II-26 "Stretch the legs out on the ground like a stick, put the forehead between the shins, and carefully take hold of the feet with the hands. That is Paschimottanasana."

Shiva Samhita
III-109 "Join both feet together and extend them. Hold them firmly with both hands and place the head on the knees."
III-110 "This foremost asana is said to kindle the digestive fire. It removes physical exhaustion and is called Paschimottanasana."

Hatha Yoga Pradipika
I-28 "Stretching the legs on the ground, like a stcik; bending forward, holding the toes with both hands and placing the forehead on the knees, is called paschimottanasana."

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